
Joins a set of strings into a single string


text = join[token, given, index, with]


  • token - set of strings to be joined
  • given - establishes the set being joined. If tokens are not unique, you can add attributes here that will make them unique. Must at least provide token as part of the given set, or only the first one will be returned.
  • index - indicates where each token is ordered in text.
  • with - inserted between every element in token.


text = join[token, index, given, with] takes tokens together using with in an order specified by index. Returns the joined string.


Split a sentence into tokens, and join the tokens into a sentence again

  // Split the sentence into words
  (token, index) = split[text: "the quick brown fox", by: " "]

  // Join the words back into a sentence, but with hyphens instead of spaces
  text = join[token given: token, index with: "-"]

bind @view
  [#value | value: text] // Expected "the-quick-brown-fox"

Since join is an aggregate, set semantics play an important part here; if we don’t specify what makes each token unique, then the results can be surprising. The following example will demonstrate this.

Let’s split the phrase “hello world” into letters:

  //token = (h, e, l, l, o, w, o, r, l, d)
  (token, index) = split[text: "hello world", by: ""]

  [#phrase token index]

bind @view
  [#value | value: token]

Let’s join this phrase back together. Like last time, we’ll join with a -. Notice that some tokens (“l” and “o”) should appear multiple times in the phrase. To correctly join them, we add index as part of the given set:

  [#phrase token index]
  // given = (("h", 1), ("e", 2), ("l", 3), ("l", 4) ... ("l", 10), ("d", 11)) 
  // without including index, the result is "h-e-l-o- -w-r-d". Try it and see!
  text = join[token given: (token, index) index with: "-"]

bind @view
  [#value | value: text]

The result expected result is “h-e-l-l-o- -w-o-r-l-d”.

See Also
